The Sainsbury Institute is offering a number of fellowships to scholars with a PhD in any field of Japanese culture. Applicants working in the fields of visual studies, including but not limited to history of art, cultural heritage, archaeology, architecture, film studies, and digital humanities, will be given preference.


  • Open to scholars who have received a PhD in any area of Japanese culture. Preference will be given to applicants working in the fields of visual studies, including but not limited to history of art, cultural heritage, archaeology, architecture, film studies, and digital humanities.
  • Fellows are required to have a good level of spoken and written English.

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Fellowship

Value of Award: The one-year Fellowship will commence in September 2023 and carries a value of £24,000. For the six-month Fellowship, please state the preferred start date in your application. This may be subject to negotiation. The six-month Fellowship carries a value of £12,000. One-year Fellowships are preferred.

Method of Application: To submit an application for a Robert and Lisa Sainsbury Fellowship, please email them to obtain the application form.

Once completed, the application form should be emailed back to In addition to the application form, please enclose:

  • Curriculum Vitae (please include the date your PhD is expected to be conferred, if not already conferred) and
  • Sample of writing (for example a published article, or a core chapter of the PhD)

All application documents must be in English.

In addition, two letters of reference should be sent by email or mail to arrive by the application deadline. If sent by mail, they should be signed and sealed and sent directly by the referee to the Sainsbury Institute, 64 The Close, Norwich, NR1 4DH, UK. If they are sent by email, they should be emailed directly by the referee to

Receipt of applications by Sainsbury Institute will be acknowledged by email.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2023

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