The Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation was created in 2007, out of a strong will to contribute to national development through creating high caliber professionals to help enhance Egypt’s growth in all sectors. The Foundation is funded by an endowment from Qalaa Holdings to grant academic scholarships for talented and promising young Egyptian men and women to pursue master degrees abroad in all fields of study.

Course Level: Graduate scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicant must be under the age of 35.
  • Must be an Egyptian national and residing in Egypt.
  • Applicant must have a minimum of two years of work experience post-graduation.
  • Is planning to pursue his/her studies at one of the top universities abroad in their discipline of choice.
  • Must have been accepted at the university and program of interest.
  • Applicant must submit an unconditional acceptance letter (with the exception of a funding condition).
  • Excellent command of language of study. Good command of the English language.
  • Involvement with activities in civic, public or international affairs (NGOs, volunteer work, etc) will be an asset.
  • Must have a genuine financial need.
  • Not a beneficiary of any other partial scholarship or grants (with exception to waivers from the university of choice itself).
  • Upon completion of program, graduates must be committed to return to work in Egypt for a minimum of 2 years.
  • Military service status must be clear (for males).

QHSF reserves the right to apply exceptions or require additional conditions as seen necessary. QHSF also retains the right to withdraw scholarships at its own discretion.

Method of Application:

Your application package must include the following:

  • The Qalaa Holdings Scholarship application form (download button below)
  • Copy of letter of acceptance to University of choice
  • Copy of (completed) application form submitted to university of choice
  • An updated C.V.
  • Two reference letters (academic and professional)
  • Copy of Military Certificate (for Males only)

Once it is completed, please submit your application package to:

By Regular Post:

Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation
P.O Box 29
Postal Code: 11516
Cairo, Egypt

By Fedex:

Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation
Hold at Fedex Mohandessin office


  • You can check that your application has been delivered through:
  • Kindly wait for a week before checking.
  • Please submit an acceptance letter to only one university.
  • Submit your application package only once.
  • Multiple applications from one person will result in rejection of all applications.

Contact information:

By Regular Mail (Egyptian Postal Service):

Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation
P.O Box: 29
Postal Code: 11516
مكتب بريد مجلس الشعب
Cairo, Egypt

By Fedex:

Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation
Hold at Fedex Mohandessin office

For application inquiries (during application period):
Mob: +20 11 28041464 (from 4-7pm, weekdays)

For General Information:
Tel: +202 27945553


For more information:

Visit the Official page:

Scholarship Application Deadline:

Event Schedule:

  • January 15th:
Beginning of round. Applicants can begin submitting applications. Application form made available online.
  • April 15th:
Deadline for submitting hard copy applications.
  • May:
Shortlisting completed. Semi-finalists contacted for personal interviews.
  • June:
Scholarship recipients announced.
  • July – August:
Placement and departure of scholars 


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