The Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation commits $30M to fund big bet projects that accelerate technological advances in climate information and action. Selected organizations may receive up to $5M in funding, along with access to Google’s technical expertise and products, to accelerate progress toward a more sustainable and resilient future.

Application Requirements


Projects should drive tangible, real world impact for both the climate and people.

Innovative use of technology

Ideas should apply technology by creating or enabling new solutions and approaches.


Successful proposals will have well-developed and realistic execution plans supported with the resources and expertise needed for implementation.

How it works

  • Organizations applyAll eligible organizations will submit a project proposal for how they would use funding and additional Google support to meaningfully address a key climate challenge.
  • Organizations, along with partners and experts, review and select the top applicants as possible projects.
  • Funding and support selected organizations will receive significant funding, along with access to Google’s technical expertise and products, to accelerate progress toward a more sustainable and resilient future.

Application Deadline: November 30, 2022


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