The S P Jain School of Global Management is offering up to 95% tuition, depending on qualification to exceptional students who want to undergo a degree program at the Institution.

Why study at S P Jain School of Global Management? SP Jain’s faculty members are at the heart of our academic programs, and we take immense pride in their passion for teaching. With a well-balanced career portfolio that spreads over decades of experience within industries as executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders, our professors bring with them not only a wealth of knowledge base but also relevant industry knowledge.

Eligibility: To be eligible, you must;

  • Have a strong academic record (top 20% of high school or college class)
  • Have a keen interest in international business
  • Be independent and adventurous, as you will be living in 3 countries
  • Be of high ethical character
  • Use scholarship funds to pay for tuition at S P Jain School of Global Management.

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Masters

Value of Award: Up to 95% tuition

Number of Awards: Not Mentioned

Method of Application: Applicants are required to complete the online application form. While there is no formal application for scholarships, students are expected to send in a request to apply for a scholarship.

Visit The Official Website For More Information