Diverse, multifaceted, and continually evolving, engineering creates the solutions to global challenges and improves billions of lives. Engineers have enabled us to work together across the planet, explore the smallest cells and the most distant stars, and navigate our way through the world.

Awarded every two years, the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (QEPrize) champions bold, groundbreaking engineering innovation which is of global benefit to humanity.

The £1 million prize celebrates engineering’s visionaries, inspiring young minds to consider engineering as a career choice and to help to solve the challenges of the future.

The prize also encourages engineers to help extend the boundaries of what is possible across all disciplines and applications.


Entry to the Prize is open to:

  • any living individual (or not more than five living individuals working as a team);
  • of any nationality;
  • who is personally responsible for a ground-breaking innovation in engineering which has been of global benefit to humanity. Self-nomination is not permitted.
  • The Trustees reserve the right to reject any nomination where, in their reasonable opinion, there is or is likely to be a conflict of interest between the nominees, nominators or any referees and any other nomination or the Prize more generally.

Worth of Award

The winners will be awarded:

  • a total cash prize of £1 million (one million GBP); and
  • appropriate memorabilia to be decided by the Trustees in their sole discretion (the “Prize”). In the event that the Prize is received by more than one individual (but not more than five individuals, as above) collaborating under a single nomination, the Prize money will be shared between the winners as determined by the Trustees in their sole discretion on the advice of the Judging Panel.

How to Apply

  • Guidance for how to make a nomination is as follows. If you need help or have questions about making a nomination, please email nominations@qeprize.org:
  • Full nominations should be made by completing the nominations form on the QEPrize website. You will be asked to explain how the nominated innovation meets the judging criteria, identify the engineer or engineers responsible for the innovation, and provide two referees who are sufficiently knowledgeable to support the nomination
  • If you have limited information on an innovation but believe it to be groundbreaking and to have already displayed a significant benefit to humanity, please provide as much information as you can. The information will be used to make further enquiries as to the suitability of the suggestion and, where appropriate, to prepare a full nomination.
  • It is preferable that nominators use the on-line Nomination Form, however if you do not have internet access, you can request a Nomination Form from the QEPrize team at this address: QEPrize Nominations, Prince Philip House 3 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5DG.
  • Nominators and nominees are responsible for ensuring that all the required information is provided for the entry, taking particular account of the requirement for at least two supporting letters from suitable referees, who are distinguished people not employed in the same organisation as the candidate, not the nominee’s collaborators, who are not part of the nominee’s immediate family and whose reference is correct to the best of the referee’s knowledge.
  • (Note: A distinguished person is a recognised expert in the relevant field with a profile in the academic or corporate world, as demonstrated by their publication record and/or international recognition. They must be very familiar with the technical detail and significance of the work of the nominee and able to speak with authority about the nature and impact of the innovation.)
  • Nominations are preferred on the website, in English. If you do not have access to the internet your nomination can be typewritten on the nominations form in English and in a font not smaller than 11pt. Copies of the nomination form can be requested by post from: QE Prize team, Prince Philip House, 3 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5DG. Nominations must not exceed the character limits detailed on the form (2500 characters or approx. 400 words for each criterion).

Deadline: Nominations for the 2021 QEPrize are currently open, and will close on Jul 17, 2020.

Click here To Apply

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