OK! Pakistan Fashion Journalism Scholarship at Regent’s University London is now available on offer for students entering into MA programme. Pakistani students are eligible to apply for this scholarship

Course Level: Scholarships are available to pursue Master degree programme.

Eligible Nationalities: Pakistani students are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:

This scholarship is awarded through competition.

To enter the competition for the OK! Pakistan Fashion Journalism Scholarship, you should first meet all of the following criteria:

  • You are a Pakistani national holding a Pakistani passport
  • You have achieved at least an upper second class (2:1) UK honours undergraduate degree (or its international equivalent from a recognized institution)
  • You hold an offer of a place on the MA Fashion Journalism programme

Method of Application:

If you meet the criteria above, please apply by writing a 1,000-word essay in response to the following question:

‘How can OK! Pakistan helps promote the true face of modern Pakistani culture and heroism?’

The deadline for submissions is 17:00 (UK time) on 30 June 2018. We will not accept late entries.

Please email your essay to: scholarships-at-regents.ac.uk

If shortlisted, you will be invited to interview (face-to-face or Skype) with members of the Fashion & Design team at Regents. You will be asked to discuss your essay and pertinent points from your application, as well as answer other interview questions.

How we judge the competition

You should be familiar with OK! Pakistan from having read at least one edition. We are looking for scholars who not only have the ambition to work as a fashion journalist but who are keen to help present the modern face of Pakistan to the rest of the world.

Applicable Programmes

The OK! Pakistan Fashion Journalism Scholarship is open to Pakistani students joining the MA Fashion Journalism programme.

Scholarships and bursaries are limited to one award per student. Where a student is eligible to receive more than one award, the highest-value scholarship will apply.

Scholarship Link

Scholarship Application Deadline: June 30, 2018

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