GBSN is pleased to present the 4th annual Africa Business Concept Challenge (ABCC), virtual business concept competition for African undergraduate and graduate students. The competition challenges student teams to develop a viable business concept that addresses a locally-relevant challenge or problem related to Agenda 2063, and inclusive and sustainable development.

The Africa Business Concept Challenge intends to assist young people from the African continent who have an entrepreneurial orientation, a desire to serve their community, and demonstrate the values outlined below. With a focus on promoting responsible business, the competition identifies high potential young people for mentorship and investment.

Competition Values

  • A commitment to the importance of responsible entrepreneurship and its role in job creation
  • An international outlook
  • A commitment to ethical business practices
  • A strong interest in young people in emerging markets and the role that business can play in creating opportunities that enable them to develop
  • A belief that business is a public trust with the obligation to improve and serve society
  • A commitment to lifelong learning and continuing education


Student Teams will engage in a three-phased project development process where their business concepts are evaluated and scored by a designated Investor Expert, delivering critical feedback to improve their business concepts. Projects will be accepted that properly identify and define a local challenge and a viable business concept that addresses the problem. For project inspiration, check out last year’s Top 5 Projects!

All projects must address:

A community challenge or need

A business solution

A viable business concept

Implementation and impact of business solution


1. Societal Impact

The Challenge offers a chance to make an impact on local community problems.

2. Networking

Opportunities with student teams from across the globe, as well as experienced entrepreneurs and industry professionals

3. Mentoring & Industry Experts

High-caliber, experienced judges, who are experienced entrepreneurs and industry leaders

4. Structure, Feedback & Guidance

Personalized, individual feedback during the project development process from Team Advisors

Method of Application

  • The challenge will be virtual and take place during a 5-week period.
  • Teams must consist of two to five members, where at least two must be current students at an African institution at the time of the competition. Interdisciplinary teams are encouraged.
  • Each team must have a Captain who will handle communications with GBSN and register the team.
  • Each team must have a Faculty Mentor upon registering. Mentors will help guide teams and enrich the learning experience.

For More Information,

Visit the Official Webpage

Application Deadline: March 5th, 2024.