The UNESCO annual Global Media and Information Literacy Week is a major occasion for stakeholders to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards “Media and Information Literacy for All.”

The Global Media and Information Literacy Youth Hackathon is an integral part of the Global Media and Information Literacy Week Youth Agenda Forum. It is an opportunity for young people and youth organizations worldwide to participate in creating innovative MIL learning in meaningful ways. Following the previous four successful editions, the fifth Global Media and Information Literacy Youth Hackathon will be held during Global MIL Week 2023.

UNESCO and partners call on youth worldwide to participate in this virtual hackathon to design innovative solutions to a defined set of social challenges, in connection with the year’s theme: “Youth powering media and information literacy in digital spaces.”

Youth from schools, universities, youth centers, youth organizations, and young leaders from around the globe are invited to participate. The winning teams and the outcome of the Hackathon will be presented during the Global MIL Week Youth Agenda Forum 2023.


All participating teams will receive a certificate of participation.

Winning teams will gain:

  • Opportunity to present their projects globally at the Youth Agenda Forum of the Global MIL Week 2023
  • A winning certificate from UNESCO
  • Recognition through a UNESCO press release and various media channels


  • Participating teams will comprise 3-6 members (ensuring gender parity, teams can be national, regional, or international).
  • Any group of persons aged between 18 and 32 years adheres to the values of UNESCO, such as peace, respect for diversity, freedom of expression, etc.
  • No previous computer science or coding background is required.
  • Experience and expertise in gaming, mobile application, website and radio/media content development would be an asset.

Task and challenges

The participating teams will design innovative and creative solutions to one of the following three challenges:

  1. Promoting Media and Information Literacy in Digital Spaces
  2. Youth Championing Media and Information Literacy in Cities
  3. Integrating Media and Information Literacy in Youth Organizations to tackle potentially harmful content online, including disinformation and hate speech

Solution categories

  • Games
  • Applications/Websites
  • Radio programmes/Podcasts
  • Creative community-based interventions (non-technology focused)
  • Other creative modalities for innovative interventions would also be accepted


  • Global hackathon organizers will provide participants with a two-day mentoring program in media and information literacy and hackathon purposes and methodology.
  • Mentoring sessions will be provided in English (Other languages may be later introduced)
  • Organizers will provide support and answer inquiries from participants throughout the process.


  • An independent judging panel composed of 7 to 12 judges (ensuring gender parity) will be selected based on qualified volunteers from UNESCO MIL networks and partners.
  • Judges shall not have affiliations or relationships with any of the participating teams or team members

Evaluation criteria

  • Creativity and innovation
  • Consistency
  • Excellence
  • Feasibility and Sustainability
  • Potential Impact


  • 1 July 2023: Registration opens
  • 1 August 2023: Registration ends
  • Between 5-10 August 2023: Two-day mentoring on MIL and the hackathon
  • 15 August 30 September 2023: Hacking processes (teams meet to hack issues and develop solutions)
  • 1 October 2023: Deadline for submission of pitches (submission advised before the deadline)
  • 2-10 October 2023: Judging process
  • 25 October 2023: Announcement of winners and presentation of projects during the Global MIL Week 2023 Youth Agenda Forum

Method of Application

Click Here to Apply

Submission format

Prototype of the solution and a 3-minute video pitch (a creative format is strongly recommended), which must also present:

  • The team composition
  • Problem statement, objectives, audience, and alignment with one of the three challenges
  • Explanation of the prototype
  • Feasibility
  • Sustainability
  • Deployment strategies / Business model and evidence of market validation

For more Information,

Visit the Official Webpage

Application Deadline: August 1, 2023