The University of British Columbia in Canada is pleased to invite applicants for the 2025 UBC International Scholars Program.
The UBC International Scholarship Program covers the cost of tuition and also provides a contribution towards living costs for selected international candidates.
Eligibility Requirements
To be considered for the UBC International Scholarship Program:
- You must be an international student who will be studying in Canada on a Canadian study permit.
- You must be entering UBC from a recognized secondary school, or transferring from your first year at a post-secondary college or other university.
- You must have graduated from high school no earlier than one gap year prior to the academic year you are applying to. For example, applicants for 2025 Winter session must have graduated from high school no earlier than November 2023.
- You must be applying for your first undergraduate degree.
- You must demonstrate superior academic achievement (achieve all As or equivalent standard).
- You must demonstrate a level of financial need that would otherwise prevent you from pursuing a UBC degree. (UBC automatically considers all international students for the merit-based International Major Entrance Scholarships and Outstanding International Student Awards. If these awards do not cover your needs for tuition and basic living expenses, you are eligible to apply for the International Scholars Program.)
- You must meet UBC’s admission requirements, including general and degree-specific requirements and the English Language Admission Standard.
Scholars Program Details:
The University of British Columbia annually offers full scholarship opportunities to international students seeking to study bachelor’s degrees at the institution in Canada.
There are four categories of prestigious need-and-merit-based awards available through UBC’s International Scholars Program;
- Karen McKellin International Leader of Tomorrow Award
This award recognizes exceptional prospective international undergraduate students who demonstrate superior academic achievement and exemplary leadership skills that support and empower others through collaboration, empathy and active listening.
- Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award
This award recognizes outstanding international undergraduate students from impoverished or war-torn areas who have achieved academic excellence under challenging circumstances, and who would be unable to attend university without significant financial assistance.
- International Impact Award
This award is offered to exceptional students who have demonstrated leadership as well as commitment to and solutions for sustainability and climate change, natural resource conservation and management, social justice, equity and inclusion, or societal health and wellness.
- Vantage One Excellence Award
This award is offered by UBC Vantage College for academically outstanding international students who do not yet meet the English Language Admission Standard for direct admission to UBC.
The UBC International Scholars Program covers the costs of tuition, fees, and living costs, minus the financial contribution the student and their family can make annually towards these costs.
Duration of Scholarship: The scholarships can be renewed for up to three additional years of undergraduate study, or to degree completion, whichever is less, provided the student achieves satisfactory academic standing in their faculty, continues to demonstrate financial need, and maintains their Canadian study permit (visa).
Method of Application
- Review the application page for the International Scholars Program.
- Decide on the academic program you want to study, and which campus you want to choose.
- For the International Scholars Program awards, you will be considered for your first choice program. You should still select a second choice program; however only your first choice program is eligible for award consideration.
- When selecting your degree, please note that the following degrees are not eligible for UBC International Scholars Program awards:
- UBC Okanagan Bachelor of Nursing degree, Bachelor of Dental Science in Dental Hygiene, Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science, Bachelor + Master of Management degree, dual degrees, joint degrees between UBC Okanagan and UBC Vancouver, and joint degrees with other post-secondary institutions.
- To apply for the International Scholars Program, you must be nominated by your school or non-profit, and submit a reference from an academic referee.
- Gather your required financial information, as well as notes on any extracurricular activities and awards.
- Apply for the International Scholars Program by submitting the application by the November 15 deadline.
- 6. Submit your admissions application to UBC by the December 1 deadline.
Click Here to Apply
Application Deadline: November 15, 2024.