We believe social impact organizations are uniquely positioned to distribute an existing product or service known to improve lives where need still exists. View the D-Prize Challenges below and select one of the high-impact products or services in need of greater global access.

Our seed support is meant to be the launching point for your organization that grows to large-scale. Follow our Application Process to design an initial test pilot of your larger vision. Submit your concept to our twice-annual competition. If selected, you will receive seed support to launch.


We award startup grants of up to $20,000 to entrepreneurs launching new organizations. We believe the world needs more social impact organizations, and we seed for-profit ventures, NGOs, and charities. We support organizations in any low-or-middle income country where extreme poverty still exists.


D-Prize is for new organizations. Most of our awardees are first-time entrepreneurs. Most have not yet launched their organization, nor have they raised other funding. We especially encourage those from low-and-middle income countries to apply.

We will consider applications from existing organizations only if your core focus is distributing an existing and evidence-based poverty intervention. We typically will not support organizations with more than 18 months of full time operations or that have raised more than $30,000 USD in outside funding.

Selection Process

Select a challenge above and be prepared for the following deadlines: 

  • The Global Competition launches on 6 May 2024.
  • Early Submission Deadline: 23 June 2024 at midnight PT (Pacific Time) 
  • Regular Submission Deadline: 14 July 2024 at midnight PT (Pacific Time) 
  • Extension Deadline: 4 August 2024 at midnight PT (Pacific Time) 


  • Submit your two-page concept note and resume(s).  We receive 2500+ submissions per competition.
  • Top 5% of entrepreneurs are invited to answer short written questions. You will have two weeks to draft and submit.
  • Top entrepreneurs have phone and email interviews. The top 1% receive up to $20,000 to launch.
  • Spend the next few months piloting your idea and building an organization that soon grows to a large scale.

Method of Application

Proposal Instructions

  • Prepare your concept note and resume(s), and clearly name your files. Concept notes
  • and resumes can be separate documents. Files must be PDF and are limited to a size of
  • 4MB each.
  • Proposals must be written in English. However, your English does not need to be perfect
  • to apply, and grammar and vocabulary errors will not be penalized. We only want to
  • understand your idea.
  • Input your contact details and upload your documents to www.d-prize.org/submit

If you have questions, send an email to the D-Prize team at help@d-prize.org.

For More Information,

Visit the Official Webpage

Application Deadline: August 4, 2024.