Each year the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training provides funding to Universities to award scholarships to domestic and international students undertaking Higher Degree Research programs. 

ANU currently conducts two annual central scholarship rounds which includes the AGRTP, the University Research Scholarship and a few other centrally managed scholarships.  

Round 1 is split into two parts, one for international candidates and one for domestic candidates with separate deadlines (31 August for international candidates and 31 October for domestic candidates each year). Round 1 is for commencements from the following year (January through to the end of March), however current candidates who recently commenced (enrolled typically for less than a year full-time equivalent) can also be considered by completing the ‘Request for a current ANU student to be considered for a HDR Scholarship form‘.


  • Stipend scholarship for three years, with the possibility of:
    • Six month standard extension; and
    • Another six month extension if the reason for request falls within the additional eligibility criteria under Item 15. Period of Support, of the AGRTP Procedure.
  • Travel and removal allowances for students relocating to Canberra to commence their research program.
  • Thesis allowance
  • Dependant child allowance (International students only).
  • Paid medical, maternity and parental leave (See sections 51-68 of the Research Training Program Scholarships procedure).
  • Suspension of Scholarship (See sections 43-48 of the Research Training Program Scholarships procedure).


The Commonwealth Scholarship Guidelines (Research) 2017 set the basis for the conditions of award and outline the basic eligibility requirements for this scholarship. 

The ANU has established an RTP Policy & Procedure which outlines the standards, processes and conditions for this scholarship.  These documents are available from the reference document section of this page.

Selection Process

Candidates are ranked and scholarships are awarded based on a competitive ranking process, to the top ranked candidates, subject to evidence they meet merit-based selection criteria, and subject to confirmation of a qualified supervisor, space and resources being available, in an area of research that is aligned with ANU research strategy.

Method of Application

Commencing students:  No application is required specifically for this scholarship as all eligible candidates will be considered. Note to ensure you are considered please ensure you select the appropriate boxes in the admissions application form to note that you are interested in being considered for any available scholarships. 

Continuing students:  Please complete and return the “Request for a Current ANU Student to be Considered for a HDR Scholarship” form to your Academic College.

Working outside the eligible HDR program

Students notify their Delegated Authority and Chair of Panel in writing of the extent of working arrangements they are undertaking alongside their eligible HDR program, upon commencement at ANU or within 20 working days of commencing working arrangements. See section 72 of the Research Training Program Scholarships procedure.

Reference document:

Use contact details to request an alternative file format.

For More Information,

 Visit the Official Webpage

Application Deadline: August 31, 2024.