Paradigm Initiative (PIN) welcomes applications for the 3rd Edition of the Digital Rights and Inclusion Learning Lab (DRILL). Successful applicants will participate in the four-month virtual fellowship program from 1 August 2023 to 30 November 2023.

Paradigm Initiative works to connect under-served young Africans with digital opportunities and ensures the protection of their rights. 

Across regional offices in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Zambia, Zimbabwe and beyond, the organisation works to impact their livelihoods through digital inclusion and digital rights programs.

Through DRILL, Paradigm Initiative seeks to host innovative learning around digital rights and inclusion in Africa and serve as a space for enhanced capacity and networking. This is an opportunity for fellows to be embedded in the digital rights and inclusion ecosystem.


  • Potential candidates must be early-career individuals with at least two years of experience as technology or social innovators, researchers, policy experts, and/or entrepreneurs.
  • Fellows must have relevant postgraduate qualifications and be exceptional individuals who will bring new learnings and innovations and gain exposure to the digital ecosystem.

Fellows’ Responsibilities 

  • Fellows will be expected to dedicate at least 10 hours per month to the fellowship spread across two meetings and assigned activities during the fellowship.
  • The fellows will be expected to publish research and deliver an advocacy campaign on digital rights or digital inclusion in Africa.
  • Fellows may have an opportunity to travel to the Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum (DRIF) in April 2024 in Accra, Ghana and host a session.
  • The fellowship will end with a closing ceremony on 8 December 2023. The fellowship is open to potential fellows living in Africa.


  • PIN will provide a US$500 stipend to the selected fellows, covering participation in the Fellowship. 
  • Fellow submissions will be published on PIN’s website and shared with the digital rights community.
  • Fellows will be connected to industry experts who will lead sessions.
  • Fellows will have an opportunity to join the Net Rights Coalition for continuous engagements.
  • PIN will cover communications costs associated with fellow activities and provide opportunities for fellows to be embedded within the digital rights ecosystem. 
  • The fellowship will provide editorial and technical support for reports/Policy Briefs and guidance on advocacy campaigns

Application Procedure

  • This application call is open from 4 July 2023 until 12 July 2023.
  • The selection process will be finalized at the end of July, with successful Digital Rights and Inclusion Learning Lab fellows expected to resume in August through to November 2023.

For More Information,

Visit the Official Webpage

Application Deadline: 12 July 2023.