The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Regional Leadership Center (RLC) East Africa (EA) is pleased to invite Alumni of the program and country chapters to submit applications for funding under the Transformation Fund. Through the fund, alumni will have an opportunity to support a variety of projects and initiatives that will help them promote the vision and mission of the YALI RLC EA. The fund will also provide an opportunity for collaboration between alumni and for them to grow and apply their leadership skills and grow while in the process of organising and executing their proposed solutions.

Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for and receive funding under the Transformation Fund, applicants should observe the following:
● Applications should be submitted through established local organizations led, owned and managed by YALI alumni. Proof of registration as per country local registration laws will be required.
● Applications for secretariat funding should be submitted through the country chapters officials.
● Applications are encouraged for projects that demonstrate innovative solutions, can be scaled up and are sustainable.
● Applications should include signatures from the chairperson, or a designated official appointed by the chapter executive committee.
● It is important that applicants categorically state how they will involve/collaborate with fellow alumni.
● The main contact person (project lead) for the project/initiative will be expected to submit the requisite compliance documents

The grants will be for projects and initiatives whose implementation period is less than one year.

Part II: Categories
Applications will be submitted under any of the following grant categories;
(a) Secretariat Funding
This category involves awarding to country chapters that have made significant progress in their formalization or registration activities. It is milestone-based support offered to chapter executive committees that will have submitted their agreed roadmap to formalization and provided necessary evidence as per the following proposed pathways:

Pathway 1: Registration as affiliates of existing organizations (hosting and affiliation in a local organization) based on a jointly agreed MOU. It is highly recommended that a Chapter is hosted by an organization owned or led by an alumni.
Pathway 2: Registration as an independent organization (Local Charity – NGO, Foundation, CBO) in line with local registration requirements

The Fund will not cover certain items, such as:
● Salaries for any type of staff (alumni or otherwise)
● Activities related to the promotion of specific political parties
● Construction Activities
● Alcohol
● Scholarships, school fees, tuition for degree-granting institutions
● International travel
● Equipment or items that will be in possession of alumni. Any equipment should be in the possession of the Country Chapter or targeted beneficiaries.
● Personal expenses associated with involvement in the Country Chapter or as a Country Liaison (e.g., transportation to/from events, time off from work, etc.)

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

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