The University of Leeds is awarding a £5,000 educational fund towards the cost of the undertaken programme at the Institution.

This scholarship will be awarded to high achieving and particularly deserving applicants. This is a competitive process and not all applications will be successful.


  • Applicants must be self-funding (or partially funded) and be classified as international for tuition fee purposes.
  • Applicants must have achieved a first-class degree or equivalent qualification, based on the criteria used by the School for offer purposes.
  • Applicants must submit scores of the following English language proficiency tests: IELTS – 6.0 or 6.5

Application Deadline: 6th May 2022.

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Masters

Value of Award: £5,000

Number of Awards: 10

Eligible Field of Studies: Advanced Chemical Engineering MScChemical Process Engineering MScEnergy, and Environment MSc, and MaterialsScience and Engineering MSc offered at Leeds are eligible to apply for.

Method of Application: The students need to sign up on the university’s official portal and apply. The scholarship application must be filled out separately.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

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