Each year, the International Center for Journalists honors outstanding colleagues with the ICFJ Knight International Journalism Award at the Tribute to Journalists. ICFJ are now seeking nominees whose pioneering coverage or media innovations have made an impact on the lives of people in their countries or regions. Candidates can be reporters, editors, technologists, media managers or citizen journalists. Those who meet the award’s criteria may nominate themselves


ICFJ is seeking nominees whose pioneering coverage or media innovations have a significant impact on the lives of people around the world

Candidates can be reporters, editors, technologists, media managers or citizen journalists. 

The award reflects the mission of ICFJ’s Knight Fellowships, which create and spread news innovation to better engage communities and improve lives. The program is supported by John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. See past awardees here.

The winners will be honored Nov. 10 at ICFJ’s 2022 Tribute to Journalists.

Application Deadline: February 20th 2022

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage