Kick Start is a global online coding competition, consisting of three-hour rounds of a variety of algorithmic challenges designed by Google engineers. Participants can compete in one or all online rounds held throughout the year, and will have the opportunity to develop and grow their programming abilities while getting a glimpse into the technical skills needed for a career at Google (top participants may be invited to interview at Google).

Ready to solve fun, challenging problems? Kick Start hosts online rounds throughout the year, giving participants the opportunity to test and grow their coding abilities while getting a sample of the programming skills needed for a technical career at Google. Participate in one or join them all!

How it works

Register for Kick Start once on our website and you’ll be set up to compete in any round you’d like! When each round is open, the three-hour countdown begins and you’ll compete on our website solving algorithmic and mathematical problems. Following the round, you can check out your rankings and the round analysis. If you were a top competitor, you may be contacted by Google for a chance to interview.

Method of Application.

Profile Creation and Contest Registration.

  • (A) To enter a Contest, you must first create a profile at (“Contest Profile”). Once your Contest Profile has been created, you will be able to register for Contests.
  • (B) You may access each of your Contest registrations on the applicable Contest websites or through your Contest Profile.
  • (C) Registration times are listed on the applicable Contest websites. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING THE CORRESPONDING TIME IN YOUR TIME ZONE. You are responsible for frequently reviewing Contest details on the applicable Contest website.
  • (D) You must register for each Contest before you can participate in it. For example, if you registered for Code Jam and wanted to participate in Hash Code, you would still need to register for the Hash Code Contest. Creating a Contest Profile does not constitute registering for a Contest.
  • (E) You may only register for a Contest with one (1) valid Contest Profile. If you compete in a Contest using multiple Contest Profiles, you may be disqualified.
  • (F) All the data provided through the profile creation and registration process must be complete, correct, and provided in English.

Application Deadline: November 14th 2021

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage

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