With the Brighter Living Scholarship DSM will offer two scholarships to young leaders around the world, who are working to further the transition from a linear to a circular and/or bio-based economy.

The scholarship focuses on DSM’s purpose-driven domain, Resources & Circularity. DSM’s ambition is to safeguard the future availability of natural resources, and to unlock more value from the limited resources that are available. In order to reach this two-fold goal, DSM focuses on five circularity drivers to design and manufacture its solutions:

  • Reduce the use of critical resources
  • Extend the lifetime of products
  • Design for recyclability
  • Recover waste streams
  • Replace scarce, hazardous and potentially harmful resources with renewable and safer alternatives


To be eligible to receive for this scholarship you must:

  • Be aged 18 – 30 years.
  • Be a national of any country.
  • Have 3-5 years experience in a business, and preferably running your own business.


  • Access to the One Young World Summit 2021 in Munich
  • The cost of travel to and from Munich (flights in economy)
  • Hotel accommodation on a shared basis between 22 and 26 (inclusive) April, 2021
  • Participation in DSM’s internal on-boarding workshops pre-One Young World workshops (with DSM delegation)
  • Catering which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Transport between the Summit accommodation and the Summit venue


One Young World will assess candidates based on their:

  • Evidenced commitment to delivering positive change
  • Demonstrated capacity for leadership
  • Understanding of key local and/or global issues.
  • Track record of generating impactful and innovative solutions
  • One Young World will actively seek and prioritize applicants making a positive impact on accelerating the transition towards a circular and/or bio-based economy in one (or more) of the following ways:
    • Materials innovation & design: redesigning, or designing new materials by addressing any one (or more) of DSM’s five circularity drivers as outlined above – Reduce, Replace, Extend, Design, Recover
    • Clean up initiatives: driving clean up initiatives on waste, by not only cleaning up but also by viewing waste as a resource
    • Digitalization: using new technologies to support radical transparency, and to keep materials at their highest utility and value
    • Entrepreneurship: contributing to circularity by implementing new business models in the following markets: Buildings (including interior) & construction, Textiles, Heavy Marine & Fishing industry, Electronics, Automotive, Food packaging, 3D printing o Advocacy and shaping opinions: raising awareness and having a leading voice in the transition towards a circular & bio-based economy

How to Apply 

As part of the application, you will be required to provide a short description of yourself, including your current role, achievements and aspirations.



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