The LEG International Talent Scholarship (LEG ITS) programme offers a number of highly talented prospective students the opportunity to pursue a degree in one of the English taught Master’s programmes of the Graduate School of Law, Economics and Governance.

Course Level: Masters

Eligible Countries: International (non EU/EEA)

To be taken at (country): The Netherlands

Eligibility Criteria: Eligible candidates are selected for a scholarship on the basis of the following criteria:

  1. The academic quality and results of the preceding education, as evidence, for example, by grades, test scores, publications, letters of recommendation;
  2. The student’s career vision, promise in the proposed field of study;
  3. The student’s societal engagement (e.g. extracurricular activities)
  4. The quality and relevance of the motivation letter;
  5. The quality of the application itself (completeness, accuracy, consistency)

In order to be awarded this scholarship students should:

  • have a non-Dutch nationality;
  • hold a non-Dutch secondary education degree;
  • have been admitted to one of the Master’s programmes mentioned above;
  • be able to comply with the conditions to obtain a Dutch visa if applicable;

Failure to meet one or more of these criteria automatically means the student is not eligible for this scholarship.

Number of Awards: Approximately 15 scholarships are awarded per year.

Value of Award: With the scholarship students will be able to cover the costs of the tuition fee and part of the living expenses.

  • for students who will have to pay the statutory tuition fee (mainly EU/EAA student): €5.000
  • for students who will have to pay the institutional tuition fee (most non EU/EAA students): €17.500

Duration of Programme: In a 2-year’s Master’s programme the scholarship will only be renewed for the second year if the student is making satisfactory progress towards the degree.

Method of Application: 

  • Students who wish to be considered for the scholarship have to apply for admission to the programme before 1 February.
  • There is no separate application for the LEG International Talent Scholarship. An application for an Utrecht Excellence Scholarship will be considered an application for a LEG International Talent Scholarship as well.

Visit Programme Webpage for Details

Scholarship Application Deadline: 1st February 2019

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