The Integrated Research Training Group of the Collaborative Research Centre/SFB 1150 “Cultures of Decision-Making” at the University of Munster is inviting applications for Visiting Fellowships for Postgraduates or PhD Students.

Course Level: Fellowships are available for Postgraduate or PhD students.

Eligible Nationalities: International students are eligible to apply for this fellowship.

Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following requirements:

The University of Münster is accepting applications from those with a PhD project located within the thematic and disciplinary framework of the SFB 1150. The language of communication within the SFB 1150 is German; German language skills are therefore recommended. Applications should be in English or German. They should include a one-page letter of motivation, a two-page outline of the applicant’s PhD project, a CV, academic certificates, and a letter of reference, preferably by the applicant’s supervisor.
Method of Application: 

They should include a one-page letter of motivation, a two-page outline of the applicant’s PhD project, a CV, academic certificates, and a letter of reference, preferably by the applicant’s supervisor. Please submit your application together with the usual documents, if possible by e-mail and as one PDF document, to the director of the Integrated Research Training Group of the SFB 1150, Prof Dr Jan Keupp, by 20 February 2018 via e-mail and also by post.

Scholarship Application Deadline: February 20, 2018

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